Quick Take: Outrage by Takeshi ‘Beat’ Kitano

takeshi-kitano-outrageOutrage is a gangster film by the prolific Japanese director Beat Takeshi which was nominated for the Palme d’Or at Cannes in 2010.  This is not a film for the faint of heart; few films reach this level of graphic violence.  Though this film is brutal in its portrayal of a yakuza gang war, the absence of any “good guys” lends immediacy to the action that is rarely found in this genre.  Beautiful camera work helps to elevate the cruel and merciless actions of the characters and delivers a shocking but engaging film experience.

Please take the time to read Pinnland Empire’s recent post about Kitano.  You should really check out Pinnland regularly.  Fantastic stuff including a series titled, Kidneys on Film: An exploration into the world of kidney transplantation in film.  Now you’re interested. Go, read, enjoy!